Sure, but just for the record, the 1983 Social Secuirty Commission already
raised the retirement age to 67 so that anyone born in and after 1960 will
have to wait until 2027 to collect social security.

Joel Blau

Original Message:
From: Eugene Coyle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 09:57:27 -0800
Subject: Bush/Greenspan tax increase?

The notion of raising the retirement age for full Social Security
benefits is popular in conservative circles.

Shouldn't it be described as a tax increase?

Say the retirement age is raised from 65 to 67.  An individual
continuing to work pays income taxes for two additional years, pays
payroll tax for two additional years.  That is a lot of additional tax
dollars that would not be paid absent the change.

The individual, furthermore, does not collect SS for two years -- thus
losing maybe $10,000 to $20,000 a year.  That is money taken away by the
Bush/Greenspan idea.

Why not call both parts of this a tax increase?

Plus two more years of "working like dogs."

Gene Coyle

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