The Fallujah and Sadrist risings have sparked a much broader resistance
movement among the Iraqi people, one which is rapidly uniting Sunnis and
Shias, according to today’s New York Times.

Times reporter Jeffrey Gettleman was in the Khadamiya neighbourhood in
Baghdad when rumours circulated of a US raid on the local offices of the
Mahdi Army.

“Within minutes this entire Shiite neighbourhood in central Baghdad had
mobilized for war”, Gettleman reports. Behind the several thousand estimated
fighters in the Madhi Army, “there were thousands of men and boys in just
one Baghdad neighbourhood ready to fight for Mr. Sadr”, he writes. “In Sunni
bastions like Falluja and Ramadi and in Shiite areas like Sadr City, it was
growing increasingly clear that the militias could materialize almost

Gettleman also describes how Sunnis from neighbouring Adamiya joined the
Khadamiya demonstrators; rival Shia and Sunni gangs who used to “cross the
bridge to rumble” now do so to “coordinate attacks”.

A UPI report meanwhile describes the links being forged between Sadrists and
Sunnis at the national level.

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