MB is absolutely correct.  But blocing with fundamentalists is not the
issue, no more than blocing with the Taliban was the content, meaning or
program of fighting the  US invasion of Afghanistan.

The issue isfirst, the recognition that the actual struggle going on has
social, not religious roots, in the class structure; 2. the religious
manifestation is inadequate, and will become, sooner rather than later,
hostile to the tasks of that struggle-- changing the social structure at
its root.  3. the only way to supplant the religious groups  is in the
development and practice of a combat program by revolutionists. That
means being in the midst, and forefront,  of every struggle against the


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Ballard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Will more violence provoke an extension of the US

Iranian workers, organized into workers' councils in
the petroleum sector were instrumental in making the
relatively peaceful political revolution against the
Shah a success through the strikes they enforced.
They were rewarded with death for their unity with the
religious tendencies in this battle against an
oppressive regime.  Blocking with fundamentalists is
not a healthy thing for proletarian revolutionaries to

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