My impression is that the biographical part is described carefully,
respectfully and objectively about the historical, economic, and
political  processes by which Sweezey came to his position. but
perhaps someone like Ahmet Tonak can comment.

Without reading all the detailed critique on the falling rate of
profit and on whether Marx understimated the monopoly tendencies of
capital, I dipped into the beginning of the fourth instalment.

The quotes from "Monopoly Capital" are accurate and in context. My
impression is that some of the misunderstanding may have arisen
because of Marx's extreme tendency to abstract from the concrete
processes, especially in volume 1 of Capital.

I would have thought this article is worth a visit by members of this
list who have been round these major issues a number of times. Perhaps
they can advise whether the Beames review on this site adds anything
to previous debates.  My impression is that it may, and certainly the
writing is careful and respectful.

Chris Burford

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Ballard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 1:48 AM
Subject: [PEN-L] A critique of Paul Sweezy...

> I received this message from a fellow worker.  I
> thought those interested in progressive economics
> might find the critique of interest.
> Regards,
> Mike B)
> *******************************************************
> ran a four-part series on the legacy of Paul Sweezy
> this past week, basically a critique of his ideas from
> a Marxian perspective, esp his discarding of Marx's
> crisis theory. Aside from the Trot garbage, some
> interesting stuff.
> Jeff
> =====
> "Objectivity cannot be equated
> with mental blankness; rather,
> objectivity resides in recognizing
> your preferences and then subjecting
> them to especially harsh scrutiny -
> and also in a willingness to revise
> or abandon your theories when
>  the tests fail (as they usually do)."
> - Stephen Jay Gould
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