Thanks for putting it politely, Joanna! [see below]

It attempts a summation of the Neo-Con strategy for the Middle East,
with the class implications for the intelligentsia and for capitalism
made explicit.

Risky and speculative, because probably there was no one specific
Neo-Con position but a number of positions that overlapped.
Nevertheless there is enough in circulation to make clear that there
is a link between their policy on Israel/Palestine and their policy on
Iraq, and indeed the whole of the Middle East. There is also a larger
scale link about using massive US military force to outflank Europe in
the Middle East.

Now I do not know how many of the neo-cons ever had sufficiently
left-leaning Democrat affiliations to think of themselves as
"liberals" or still worse, as "socialists", but ideas are only
partially conscious reflections of reality according to the
dialectical materialist theory of knowledge.

I am suggesting the *underlying* implications of the Neo-Con strategy
for capital and for classes and strata in the Middle East depended

1. Hegemonic supervision of the flow of oil and oil revenues.This is
more than a question of mere price.

2. That bourgois liberal civil society should be imposed on the muslim
lands by systematic intervention, if necessary by force. That is was
pointless to try to go on avoiding making enemies. Indeed a few months
ago I stumbled on an issue of Foreign Affairs in the international
quarter of London, explicitly arguing this. Though I do not know
whether the author was a neo-con, he clearly shared an overlapping

3. Support for the Zionist state. Crushing of any violent resistance
by its Helots, the Palestinians. At best allow the 4 million (!!!)
Palestinian refugees to be a vast reserve army of labour for Israeli
capital, as a sort of subaltern/garrison sector of US hegemonic
finance capital.

4. Violent attacks on any states that support Palestinian suicide
bombers. Denouncing these bombers as terrorists. No concessions to the
significant wing of liberal intelligentsia opinion in Europe, the
multi-lateralists, who think that the motivation of suicide terrorists
needs to be taken into consideration.

5. Transforming the intelligentsia of a nationalist semi-socialist
state like Iraq into an intelligentsia continuous with the global
intelligentsia of global finance capital. Able to share the same
tastes, watch similar televisions programmes and work in different
centres to supervise the smooth  continued accumulation of finance
capital. To make Baghdad into a lively cosmopolitan city like one of
the more liberal commercial gulf states, Beirut, Cairo, Athens,
Tripoli, Singapore. I do not know the details of these cities but the
strategy is clear.

6 In financial terms it was quite do-able. It is the same as the
imperialist agenda of other sections of global finance capital, but
with the ruthless and if necessary unilateral force of US massive
military dominance thrown in.

7. It did, crucially, require separation of the baby intelligentsia of
Iraq from the Baathist bath water, and their blunder on this is of
even greater strategic significance than their blunder on weapons of
mass destruction.

8. Remember their first hope was to decapitate the Baathist state,
with their assassination bunker bombs, and text message onslaught on
the mobile phones of the Iraqi generals. They hoped to just give
instructions to the Iraqi battalions to wait in their barracks until
further orders. But everything crumbled in their hands

9 Now they can desperately try to bolster the intelligentsia who grew
up with the Baathist state against the muslim fundamentalists. But
there are limits to how successful they will be now, and they are in a
situation in which almost every move will make the mixture of class
forces and strata, and their global position worse.


What I wrote is a bit of a thought experiment because it takes what I
understand to be the broad outline of the Neo-Con strategy IF it could
be expressed openly in terms of classes, strata, and the power of
different capitals. As if one of them had gone the whole way and
become a "right wing Marxist". Because when you look at the whole
picture in a materialist and dialectical way, they are in a terrible
mess. That does require I suggest a discussion of the swing stratum of
the intelligentsia [even though there are other older social
formations that are significant, including tribal ones, and national
capitalist ones, and military ones]

Now others would not necessarily buy the picture quite as I have
sketched it. There are many interlocking features and my syntax was
confusing but partly deliberate to suggest the interlocking nature of
these contradictions.  Laying it out point by point gives a sort of
programmatic feel to it, which the data does not really justify. This
IS a sketch, and there could be other sketches. If anybody thinks I
have left anything important out, or got any aspect frankly wrong, I
hope they will step in.

Chris Burford

----- Original Message -----
From: "joanna bujes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Intelligentsia and Empire - in Iraq and the world

> Chris Burford wrote:
> >Now in relation to Iraq the strategic dream of the Neo-Cons -
> >themselves defined as a group of the US intelligentsia by an
> >and 'interesting' intellectual trajectory - was that within a new
> >century policed by overwhelming US hegemonic power, a whole Middle
> >East in which oil not only flowed smoothly to lubricate the
> >imperialist forces of production, but there was a bourgeois
> >imperialist civil society across the whole of the Near and Middle
> >in which the Zionist state is smugly secure, the Palestinian
> >are absorbed as lumpen proletariat in a supposedly expanding global
> >capitalist economy. Crucially that the large intelligentsia stratum
> >Iraq and Iran, instead of serving state regimes openly and covertly
> >supporting Palestininian suicide bombers (the real axis of
> >would be in the service of a liberal "middle class" largely urban
> >civil society, pre-occupied with cafes and minor features of
> >semi-privileged consumer lifestyles, in a capitalist economic
> >environment ultimately dominated by the largest finance capitalist
> >corporations, especially the US ones.
> >
> Chris, I can't parse this at all. Can you clarify? Maybe it just
> some extra commas and semicolons...
> Joanna

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