Seen on Leftist Trainspotters:

Abuse of Iraqis 'well thought through'

16:58 10 May 04 news service

The type of mistreatment Iraqi prisoners have suffered at the hands
of US soldiers is unlikely to have occurred without the knowledge of
higher authorities, say psychologists by contacted New Scientist -
adding support to allegations that the abuse may have been condoned
by superiors.

The revelation that Iraqi prisoners were being degraded by their US
captors at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad sparked worldwide disgust
after graphic photos emerged in the media at the end of April. The
images, which show naked male prisoners being humiliated, date back
to 2003.

"A lot of people had to be in the know for this to happen. The very
fact people felt confident enough to take pictures suggests that
this was not something which was a secret," says Ian Robbins, a
consultant clinical psychologist at the traumatic stress service at
St George's Hospital in London, UK, who has treated both victims of
torture and torturers.

In fact, both the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
and Amnesty International raised the alleged abuse of prisoners with
US authorities many months ago. The ICRC's findings from visits to
14 Iraqi detention centres between March and October 2003
prompted "repeated requests to the coalition authorities that they
take corrective action".

A leaked ICRC report reveals how an intelligence officer in charge
at Abu Ghraib had told the Red Cross when asked about captives being
imprisoned in darkness for days that it was "part of the process".

"The US administration has shown a consistent disregard for the
Geneva Conventions and basic principles of law, human rights and
decency," says Irene Khan, Amnesty International's secretary
general. "This has created a climate in which US soldiers feel they
can dehumanise and degrade prisoners with impunity."

Rules and regulations

"In all organisations, all teams, troops and people will replicate in some way the personality of the number one person in charge - whether it's the President, down to the general, down to the head of the jail," says Simon Meyerson, director of the Institute of Psychology in London. "If you know there's going to be trouble, you won't do it."

Stansfield Turner, former head of the US Central Intelligence
Agency, says the abuse "indicates the Bush administration's
indifference to laws and rules and regulations".

"If it was just the actions of a few aberrant people, they would
either have to believe their superiors condoned what they did, or
that they could get away with it because of lack of adequate
supervision," he told the BBC.

He says the blame must be placed high. "In this case I think at
least a three or four star general should be fired - and fired

Hooded and cuffed

Sabrina Harman, a reservist implicated in abusing prisoners, has defended her actions in emails to the Washington Post saying she was acting on orders. She was photographed grinning next to a pile of naked, bound prisoners.

"They would bring in one to several prisoners at a time already
hooded and cuffed. The job of the MP [military police] was to keep
them awake, make it hell so they would talk," she wrote.

Robbins told New Scientist: "It looks to me that it was a well
thought through process." He says acts of ill-treatment by rogue
operatives acting alone are more likely to be routine low-grade
violence - "the odd slapping" - and neglect, such as withholding
food or access to toilets.

He also points out that the methods of humiliation depicted in the
images would be particularly offensive to Arab men. "If you really
wanted to humiliate an Arab man, you would strip him, have a woman
present, and then have a woman degrade him."

One recent image shows a woman holding a dog lead attached to the
neck of a naked Iraqi man. Photographing such events is likely to
compound the shame by placing it on record.

Robbins believes the abuses revealed so far could have been
stopped "extremely easily" by senior officers.

Shaoni BhattacharyaAbuse of Iraqis 'well thought through'

16:58 10 May 04 news service

The type of mistreatment Iraqi prisoners have suffered at the hands
of US soldiers is unlikely to have occurred without the knowledge of
higher authorities, say psychologists by contacted New Scientist -
adding support to allegations that the abuse may have been condoned
by superiors.

The revelation that Iraqi prisoners were being degraded by their US
captors at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad sparked worldwide disgust
after graphic photos emerged in the media at the end of April. The
images, which show naked male prisoners being humiliated, date back
to 2003.

"A lot of people had to be in the know for this to happen. The very
fact people felt confident enough to take pictures suggests that
this was not something which was a secret," says Ian Robbins, a
consultant clinical psychologist at the traumatic stress service at
St George's Hospital in London, UK, who has treated both victims of
torture and torturers.

In fact, both the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
and Amnesty International raised the alleged abuse of prisoners with
US authorities many months ago. The ICRC's findings from visits to
14 Iraqi detention centres between March and October 2003
prompted "repeated requests to the coalition authorities that they
take corrective action".

A leaked ICRC report reveals how an intelligence officer in charge
at Abu Ghraib had told the Red Cross when asked about captives being
imprisoned in darkness for days that it was "part of the process".

"The US administration has shown a consistent disregard for the
Geneva Conventions and basic principles of law, human rights and
decency," says Irene Khan, Amnesty International's secretary
general. "This has created a climate in which US soldiers feel they
can dehumanise and degrade prisoners with impunity."

Rules and regulations

"In all organisations, all teams, troops and people will replicate in some way the personality of the number one person in charge - whether it's the President, down to the general, down to the head of the jail," says Simon Meyerson, director of the Institute of Psychology in London. "If you know there's going to be trouble, you won't do it."

Stansfield Turner, former head of the US Central Intelligence
Agency, says the abuse "indicates the Bush administration's
indifference to laws and rules and regulations".

"If it was just the actions of a few aberrant people, they would
either have to believe their superiors condoned what they did, or
that they could get away with it because of lack of adequate
supervision," he told the BBC.

He says the blame must be placed high. "In this case I think at
least a three or four star general should be fired - and fired

Hooded and cuffed

Sabrina Harman, a reservist implicated in abusing prisoners, has defended her actions in emails to the Washington Post saying she was acting on orders. She was photographed grinning next to a pile of naked, bound prisoners.

"They would bring in one to several prisoners at a time already
hooded and cuffed. The job of the MP [military police] was to keep
them awake, make it hell so they would talk," she wrote.

Robbins told New Scientist: "It looks to me that it was a well
thought through process." He says acts of ill-treatment by rogue
operatives acting alone are more likely to be routine low-grade
violence - "the odd slapping" - and neglect, such as withholding
food or access to toilets.

He also points out that the methods of humiliation depicted in the
images would be particularly offensive to Arab men. "If you really
wanted to humiliate an Arab man, you would strip him, have a woman
present, and then have a woman degrade him."

One recent image shows a woman holding a dog lead attached to the
neck of a naked Iraqi man. Photographing such events is likely to
compound the shame by placing it on record.

Robbins believes the abuses revealed so far could have been
stopped "extremely easily" by senior officers.

Shaoni Bhattacharya

Abuse of Iraqis 'well thought through'

16:58 10 May 04 news service

The type of mistreatment Iraqi prisoners have suffered at the hands
of US soldiers is unlikely to have occurred without the knowledge of
higher authorities, say psychologists by contacted New Scientist -
adding support to allegations that the abuse may have been condoned
by superiors.

The revelation that Iraqi prisoners were being degraded by their US
captors at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad sparked worldwide disgust
after graphic photos emerged in the media at the end of April. The
images, which show naked male prisoners being humiliated, date back
to 2003.

"A lot of people had to be in the know for this to happen. The very
fact people felt confident enough to take pictures suggests that
this was not something which was a secret," says Ian Robbins, a
consultant clinical psychologist at the traumatic stress service at
St George's Hospital in London, UK, who has treated both victims of
torture and torturers.

In fact, both the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
and Amnesty International raised the alleged abuse of prisoners with
US authorities many months ago. The ICRC's findings from visits to
14 Iraqi detention centres between March and October 2003
prompted "repeated requests to the coalition authorities that they
take corrective action".

A leaked ICRC report reveals how an intelligence officer in charge
at Abu Ghraib had told the Red Cross when asked about captives being
imprisoned in darkness for days that it was "part of the process".

"The US administration has shown a consistent disregard for the
Geneva Conventions and basic principles of law, human rights and
decency," says Irene Khan, Amnesty International's secretary
general. "This has created a climate in which US soldiers feel they
can dehumanise and degrade prisoners with impunity."

Rules and regulations

"In all organisations, all teams, troops and people will replicate in some way the personality of the number one person in charge - whether it's the President, down to the general, down to the head of the jail," says Simon Meyerson, director of the Institute of Psychology in London. "If you know there's going to be trouble, you won't do it."

Stansfield Turner, former head of the US Central Intelligence
Agency, says the abuse "indicates the Bush administration's
indifference to laws and rules and regulations".

"If it was just the actions of a few aberrant people, they would
either have to believe their superiors condoned what they did, or
that they could get away with it because of lack of adequate
supervision," he told the BBC.

He says the blame must be placed high. "In this case I think at
least a three or four star general should be fired - and fired

Hooded and cuffed

Sabrina Harman, a reservist implicated in abusing prisoners, has defended her actions in emails to the Washington Post saying she was acting on orders. She was photographed grinning next to a pile of naked, bound prisoners.

"They would bring in one to several prisoners at a time already
hooded and cuffed. The job of the MP [military police] was to keep
them awake, make it hell so they would talk," she wrote.

Robbins told New Scientist: "It looks to me that it was a well
thought through process." He says acts of ill-treatment by rogue
operatives acting alone are more likely to be routine low-grade
violence - "the odd slapping" - and neglect, such as withholding
food or access to toilets.

He also points out that the methods of humiliation depicted in the
images would be particularly offensive to Arab men. "If you really
wanted to humiliate an Arab man, you would strip him, have a woman
present, and then have a woman degrade him."

One recent image shows a woman holding a dog lead attached to the
neck of a naked Iraqi man. Photographing such events is likely to
compound the shame by placing it on record.

Robbins believes the abuses revealed so far could have been
stopped "extremely easily" by senior officers.

Shaoni Bhattacharya

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