Title: FW: [PEN-L] The Empire Falls Back - Niall Ferguson

Ken Hanly wrote:
Strange that the media never seems to detect any immorality at the sight of the most powerful nation in the world attacking countries such as Afghanistan, Panama, Grenada and Iraq that are completely outmatched. The dominant story is the justice of the cause as if the bully were a kindly benevolent policeman restoring peace and democracy. But this story would not have the slightest credibility if there were complete wanton destruction.  This is why the US always talks of precision bombing, avoiding civilian casualties etc. while at the same time often targetting hydro plants, water treatment facilities, etc. using crippling sanctions imposed by the UN etc.etc. Civilian casualties will always be collateral damage.

Not really. This seems like simple ideological hegemony. As Marx and Engels wrote, the ruling class “is compelled, merely in order to carry through its aim, to represent its interests as the common interest of all the members of society… it has to give its ideas the form of universiality, and represent them as the only rational, universal valid ones.” (The German Ideology) It also explains why so many poor Americans blame only themselves for their situation.

Jayson Funke

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