>>  okay, while we're on the subject of answering rhetorical questions, can
 >>  corporations attain orgasm?
 >>  Jim D.

If an orgasm were defined as that which provides self-awareness and positive feedback 
at the climax of a developmental event, then corporations attain orgasm.  Evolution, 
however, rewards the more potent orgasm of the most evolved/evolving participants -- 
and the "Corporate Orgasm" of "Aikido Activism" is a coming "Corporate Orgasm" of 
massive evolutionary resonance.

In the "Aikido Activism" model, "Noble Corporations" (blissful corporations?) throw 
off the misplaced sexual conservatism that together with broader moral 
authoritarianism aims to retain subversive control, and thereby to retain privelege -- 
but fails to maximize individual empowerment.  In the "Aikido Activism" model, 
"Corporate Orgasm" is essentially "Individual Empowerment Capitalism" (but I like the 
more evocative terminology of, "Corporate Orgasm," -- can I credit you Jim in a 
footnote if I employ that terminology in an update to the essay?).

The essay on "Aikido Activism" (now updated) is the first part of the new, more 
potent, "Corporate Orgasm" (the first part being self-awareness of what "Aikido 
Activism" can birth in progressive corporations and awareness of the anticipated 
transformations).  The second part of the orgasm of "Aikido Activism" (the positive 
feedback part) is currently in a stage of initial, but heightening foreplay -- the 
excitement that I am hearing from others who believe that such a transformation in 
corporate purpose is possible (such as leading author/thinker Douglas Rushkoff, at 
www.rushkoff.com, who shares with me that Aikido Activism "is the obvious next step"), 
driven by the excitment that new substantial corporations birthed in the model of 
Aikido Activism can provide historically unmatched transformations in society and 

Can I tempt others to engage in the current foreplay of "Aikido Activism" by having a 
look at the current version of the essay at http://tinyurl.com/2fupr (this version is 
without graphics and endnotes... to get the full copy, please request a copy from me 
via email)?


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