"In Bed with Susie Bright: Work Ethics with Doug Henwood"


Author: Susie Bright
Audio Original Nonfiction
Non AudibleListener Price: $5.95
Audio Length: 33 min.

Provider: Susie Bright
Year Published: 2004

Is the American work ethic ruining our sex lives? Susie has thought
so for years, and now she gets to pose her question to economist Doug
Henwood. Doug Henwood is the editor and publisher of The Left
Business Observer, a contributor to The Nation, and the host of a
weekly radio show on WBAI in New York. Susie and Doug talk about work
ethics, marriage incentives, and why economists just seem to miss the
sex part of any equation. Then, in the Try This at Home mailbag,
Susie gets to the bottom of douching. Don't forget, you can send your
confidential questions and feedback about the show to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Episode 159)

For general info on Susie's show, see <http://www.audible.com/susiebright>.

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