Title: Ray Charles, Ronald Raygun
In the early sixties I saw Ray Charles perform at the Hollywood Bowl. He fell off the piano bench. Aides came out, dragged him backstage and a few minutes later he returned and finished the show. Years later he said getting off cigarettes was harder than getting off heroin. The thing I always liked about Ray Charles was the fact that he was always who he seemed to be. He may have been screwed up emotionally and personally from time to time but he literally sang his way out of it, bull-dogging his way through meter and convention.

On the other hand, Ronald Reagan was never who he seemed to be. The drooling press made up accolades like Teflon President and charming and the great communicator. But he was a lying front man for corporate interests even when I was bringing him into my heart as a child when he was the host of Death Valley Days and GE Theatre. By college I got it -- his job was to lie for people who couldn't lie very well. He was really good at it. Ray Charles was a victim of the drug culture. Reagan implemented it. His administration brought crack cocaine to East LA in order to fund his illegal war against the elected Sandinista government of Nicaragua with the (beneficial to corporate planet grabbers) side effect of slapping down people of color trapped in ghettos defined by white rich folks.

In 1988 a fire, the 49er Fire, if was called, raged through my neighborhood in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The fire was accidentally set by a mentally retarded adult who burned his toilet paper. The burning paper got away from him and despite his frantic efforts to put it out the fire raged for days and burned out hundreds of homes. In a cosmic bit of irony, the fire raged right up to the hamlet of Smartsville, right to the boundary of property owned by the President Ronald Reagan, where it was doused. Reagan always got the lucky breaks. (When he was deregulating the beef and other food industries, he himself would only eat meat from Sheldon's organic farms.)

Reagan was the guy who said (on the behalf of car dealers in Los Angeles and other myopic rich corporados who sponsored his rise to political fortune) that us plain folks ought not put up the money for people living off the government programs for people who are mentally ill or otherwise incapacitated. He spent his own later years in the dismal darkness of Alzheimer's Syndrome with round-the-clock care provided by the public largesse, a largesse he campaigned against for others all his store-bought political life.

As a person whose own father died of Alzheimer's and who came face to face with the loss of a whole life's work due to the insensitivity of Post Reagan California, I am dismayed that Reagan  died so soon. He should have lived longer in the agony of his own doing.

Reagan's pioneering influence is this:  With a subservient, drooling media, one can get elected to the highest offices of government by running against the need for the highest offices of government. He set the standard that Bush W. and Das Gropenator try to live up to today..

When Reagan was running against the hapless Jimmy Carter (in many ways the first re-incarnation of Bill Clinton) and negotiating behind the scenes with the Iranians who were holding Americans hostage, I sang a song about the situation as I saw it at the time. Of course, we now know the situation was far, far worse than I had imagined -- and I had imagined the worst.

In 2001, a client of the Nevada County (CA) Mental Health Department, the brother of a Sacramento police officer, a mentally ill person with an arsenal in his home, walked into the mental health department and started firing. He then went to a local restaurant, reloaded, and fired again. Three people were killed, others maimed and traumatized for life.

It seemed to me that the terror felt by my community when the shooting occurred -- schools and businesses closed, the streets emptied, folks hung by their radios -- was one and the same as the terror felt by the community when it was on fire years before. I wrote a song about it -- about how we treat our mentally impaired citizens and the damage we suffered because of how we treat them.

It is one thing for a lying, evil scoundrel like Ronald Reagan to sell his soul to the corporate monsters. It is entirely a different moral issue for us citizens to succumb to the emerging celebrityocracy and give our moral well-being over to it.  Shame on us,

Ray Charles. Ronald Reagan. I'm a patriot-- but I'll pick my own day of mourning.

Dan Scanlan
Grass Valley CA

Country-pickin' 'flation
©1979 Dan Scanlan

There's this country-pickin' 'flation
Runnin' round the nation
Keepin' people poorer than they are.

They got a presidential 'lection

Cause such consternation

By pittin' Georgia peanuts 'gainst

That Hollywood candy bar.

And I'm lookin' Haggard, a walkin' Travis T.

No Cash is Parton my wallet, and Chet that'd Hoyt Autrey.

I've stuck my long neck out in Texas, and been fur away from home.

Don't know where my next buck is, and the dough leaves me alone.

I've ridden the chili-bean sunset and I've tumbled on the weed.

Had my girl run off with another man who said I was a durn hayseed.

And I have trucked across the desert and I swum naked in the crick,

And I slipped into a little booth to vote for the lesser prick.

There's this country-pickin' 'flation
Runnin' round the nation
Keepin' people poorer than they are.

They got a presidential 'lection

Cause such consternation

By pittin' Georgia peanuts 'gainst

That Hollywood candy bar.

Charleton and Ronnie
© 2001 Dan Scanlan
When Charleton Heston and Ronald Reagan rode into town

People bolted their doors and they locked the schoolhouse down

A mad man's Ruger sprayed bullets all around

And three people lay bleeding dead on the ground

When Charleton Heston and Ronald Reagan rode into town

Teflon Ronnie had a gang who chose to ride behind him

They hid out of sight but lurked where they could run him

They tugged his ropes in every fight and wrote out every whim

Trickle down bandits steal the health of their victim,

Supply side profiteers, damn the lost, the ill and dim.

Charleton had a gang that once trained the National Guard

But it got lost in puberty, its sensitivities jarred

A confused constitution, its manhood marred

A fondling of guns -- they're so slick and hard

A fight to bury others' arms in the graveyard.
A dozen years or so ago a forest fire was our plight

A homeless window washer whose thinking was not right

He burned his toilet paper and it burned homes through the night

The fire raced to Smartsville, right within Ronnie's sight,

We sent the homeless man to jail, nor was our thinking right.

When Charleton Heston and Ronald Reagan rode into town

People bolted their doors and they locked the schoolhouse down

A mad man's Ruger sprayed bullets all around

And three people lay bleeding dead on the ground

When Charleton Heston and Ronald Reagan rode into town

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