----- Original Message -----
From: "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2004 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Chat about Financial Advice, was Re: Marxist Financial

> sartesian writes: >I know a lot about investing-- none of it has anything
to do with Marxism.<
> for what it's worth, pen-l isn't self-defined as Marxist.

Really?  There's a graphic of Marx on the home page.  The query that
triggered this all was for Marxist Fianancial Advice.
> I'm also not sure that "Marxist financial advice" is necessarily
oxymoronic. There may be some stuff in the volume III discussion of money
and finance that says something different that might be relevant to personal
finance, though I doubt it.

Nothing I've read in Vol. 3 can be considered advice for investors.
> jd

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