Im not an economist but I think you have the description wrong. This is a
dull jerk from the right. Almost pure ideology, put down and genuflecting
before the idols.

Cheers, Ken Hanly
----- Original Message -----
From: "Grant Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 2:12 AM
Subject: Low Taxes Do What!?

> [A sharp jab from the right. Would the economists among us like to
> Low Taxes Do What? by Thomas Sowell
> The high cost of economic illiteracy.
> Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.Some years ago,
> the distinguished international-trade economist Jagdish Bhagwati was
> visiting Cornell University, giving a lecture to graduate students during
> the day and debating Ralph Nader on free trade that evening. During his
> lecture, Professor Bhagwati asked how many of the graduate students would
> attending that evening’s debate. Not one hand went up.
> Amazed, he asked why. The answer was that the economics students
> it to be a waste of time. The kind of silly stuff that Ralph Nader was
> saying had been refuted by economists ages ago. The net result was that
> audience for the debate consisted of people largely illiterate in
> and they cheered for Nader.
> Professor Bhagwati was exceptional among leading economists in
> the need to confront gross misconceptions of economics in the general
> public, including the so-called educated public. Nobel laureates Milton
> Friedman and Gary Becker are other such exceptions in addressing a wider

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