>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/30/04 9:34 AM >>>
American Prospect
No Tie -- Cobb!
The true story of how a man you've barely heard of beat Ralph Nader for
the Green Party nomination.
By Garance Franke-Ruta
Web Exclusive: 06.28.04

Make no mistake: Had Nader chosen to fight for it over the past year, he
could have easily walked away with the Green Party nomination on

Into the political vacuum left by Nader's arms-length campaigning jumped
Cobb, running on a platform of support for state parties and local
candidates. For a party that draws heavily from the ranks of the
alienated and disaffected -- people who already feel ignored by
politicians -- Nader's decisions to eschew Green membership, not
participate in the presidential-primary process, and avoid the Milwaukee
convention were decisive. Nader, perhaps thinking himself a sure thing,
or so outsize a figure that a fair fight would require him to tie one
hand behind his back, failed to mount a campaign sufficient to win.

In short, though the Greens may be way outside the mainstream of
American political opinion, in the end the same laws of politics that
govern the two major parties held: In order to win, it helps to outfox
the other guy -- and to fight hard.

maybe there is place for poli sci people after all, many could have
above article beforehand...

i posted comments yesterday about why electoral campaigns are not good
vehicles for building mass movements, above article reflects those

have never understood green party's desire for nader, he stiffed them in
96 by refusing to campaign, his 'party of person' campaign in 2000
to reach 5% minimum in votes to qualify greens for matching funds in

of course, he's a non (even anti) party guy and always has been, a
cause' type, he's never been a member of green party, his prez campaigns
have not been about building a green party...

i'm not big green party fan myself, prefer politics of class to that of
inequality (latter gives no sense of belonging to group that can take
collective action, individuals are 'unequal'), but rejection of nader is
'good thing' if party is to have legs as 'party of idea'...   michael

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