[Interesting memo because it seems to prove more clearly than any other
that torture was systematically applied to insurgents in Iraq.  Everyone
guesses that by now, but this seems like proof.]

[It also contains in passing the statistic that acccording to the US
military's own figures, less than 2% of all prisoners -- 100 out of 5700
-- are foreigners.  But it seems like those are the one we concentrated
the torture on.  And this is how we produced the "evidence" that
everything was being run by foreign fighters.  We seem still to believe.]

[As it to make it more absurd, the only examples of the 100 given here are
of Syrians, who in many cases aren't foreigners at all to Iraqi clan
vendettas -- i.e., the US military kills a guy and his cousins come kill
us.  Many clans extend across borders.]


July 6, 2004
Page 6A

Non-Iraqi captives singled out for harsh treatment, records say Foreign
fighters seen as threat

By Peter Eisler

Late last year, U.S. officers at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison sought approval to
use extreme interrogation tactics on a captive said to have information that
''could potentially save countless lives of American soldiers.'' The captive
wasn't an Iraqi general or an al-Qaeda leader. He was a Syrian implicated in a
bombing attempt against U.S. troops.

''Detainee can provide information related to safe houses, facilitators,
financing, recruitment and operations of foreign fighter smuggling into Iraq,''
the top military intelligence officer at Abu Ghraib, Col. Thomas Pappas, wrote
in a secret memo that sought to exempt the captive from normal interrogation

The memo, obtained by USA TODAY, went to Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the top U.S.
commander in Iraq. It laid out a plan to ''fear up'' the Syrian by throwing
tables and chairs, yelling at him and interrogating him ''continuously'' for 72
hours. During that time, he would be stripped, hooded, bound in ''stress
positions'' and permitted only brief intervals of sleep.

Sanchez testified to Congress in May that he never saw the request. But that
may not have mattered: The Syrian, identified as Juwad Ali Khalif, 31, is among
several non-Iraqi nationals who were allegedly beaten and sexually abused by
U.S. soldiers at the prison, according to statements to investigators in a
report on Abu Ghraib by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba.

The Pentagon's investigation of the abuses at the prison documented repeated
instances in which suspected foreign fighters were singled out for harsh
treatment, according to classified documents from the inquiry. The records show
that interrogators and guards at the prison felt extra pressure to get
information from the foreigners.

Top U.S. officials believed at the time that foreign fighters posed a
substantial threat in Iraq and were heavily involved in the deadly insurgency
that continues to grip that country. Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda lieutenants
were calling publicly for Muslims across the Arab world to come and wage jihad,
or holy war, against Americans in Iraq. And captured associates of Saddam
Hussein were telling U.S. interrogators that the former Iraqi president's
loyalists were recruiting foreign fighters to resist the U.S. occupation.

''There's clearly an indication that foreign terrorists are involved in the
kind of violence that we see'' in the insurgency, Pentagon spokesman Lawrence
DiRita said in a briefing last August, echoing a view expressed by many Defense
officials. ''And we're going to use all the means at our disposal, all of the
national means of power, to counter foreign terrorists.''

In recent months, however, it has become clear that the insurgents are
overwhelmingly Iraqis. Foreign nationals account for fewer than 100 of the
5,700 prisoners being held by coalition forces in Iraq as security concerns,
according to figures supplied by the military.

The military's suspicions about non-Iraqi fighters through the latter half of
2003 and early this year had an effect on the way foreign captives were tracked
and treated. This was especially true of Syrians, who have accounted for more
than half the foreigners detained in Iraq.

At Abu Ghraib, suspected foreign fighters typically were deemed to be of ''high
intelligence value'' and placed in isolation in the ''hard site'' section of
the prison, according to sworn statements given to military investigators by
Lt. Col. Steven Jordan, a top military intelligence officer at the prison. That
area was where virtually all the prisoner abuses are said to have occurred. A
special ''foreign fighter cell'' of interrogators and intelligence analysts was
devoted to questioning the non-Iraqis. Khalif was beaten repeatedly and
handcuffed in stressful positions for hours by military police guards working
nights at the hard site, according to sworn witness statements collected by
military investigators. He also was stripped, hosed with cold water on
consecutive nights and forced to sleep nude on the wet concrete floor of his
cell, witnesses said.

Another Syrian, identified as Ameen Sa'eed al-Sheikh, was accused of trying to
shoot prison guards with a smuggled pistol. He testified that guards urinated
on him and hung him by his arms with a dislocated shoulder until he passed out.
They also menaced him with dogs and threatened to rape him, according to his
account, parts of which were supported by witnesses.

Some guards told military investigators that interrogators from military
intelligence would tell them to make life uncomfortable for particular
prisoners. It is unclear from the Army's investigative reports whether such
instructions were given specifically for foreign captives.

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