You know what they say. Possession of a lawyer is nine-tenths of the law.

Possession of the Constitution is probably worth about .000000009 of the
law. So, those prices are inflated.



by Perelman, Michael
Porges, Seth. 2004. "We The People...Can't Make Copies?" Business Week
(12 July): p. 12.
"How much is the U.S. Constitution worth to you?  On, the
going rate is $2.99.  A copy of the founding document, long in the
public domain, can be acquired easily and legally for free on the
Internet or at any public library.  But e-book publisher NuVision
Publications has begun selling it online as an e-book in an encrypted
format that can be printed only twice per year."
"Oddly enough, people seem to be buying the Constitution. The e-book's
Amazon sales ranking, as of June 29, was a respectable 1,016 out of the
hundreds of thousands of books Amazon sells on its Web site.  That's
despite the fact that helping someone print the e-book more than twice
could violate the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the 1998 law that
forbids tampering with anti-piracy protections, according to Wendy
Seltzer, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation."

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

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