Dear liberal brothers and sisters at the Institute of Public Accuracy,

I am somewhat perplexed by Professor L. Sandy Meisel's attack on Ralph
Nader's ties to the Reform Party on your Institute for Public Accuracy
website ( In searching my brain for the actual
record of a Reform Party elected official, I can't seem to remember
anything that dastardly occurring under ex-pro wrestler Jesse Ventura's
term as governor of Minnesota. No Japanese-Americans were thrown into
concentration camps like under FDR. No bombs were dropped on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki to "teach the Russians a lesson", like under Harry S.
Truman (see Gar Alperovitz). No Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. In fact,
Ventura told the press while on a trip to Cuba that change should take
place there without outside pressure. No Gulf of Tonkin resolution like
under LBJ. No support to Somoza like under Carter. No bombing of
pharmaceutical factories in Khartoum like under Clinton. All these
things happened under Democrats, right?

Moving right along, I can't understand why the liberal establishment
didn't get its knickers tied into a knot when Kerry floated John McCain
as a possible VP running mate. Isn't this the guy who once said that "I
hate the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live"? And turning to
Kerry, didn't he tell Don Imus that his opponent in a Massachusetts
campaign "took more vacations than people on welfare"? And what's the
deal with Kerry's frequent appearances on this racist show? His pal Imus
once called Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz a "boner-nosed,
beanie-wearing Jew boy." I don't know about your kind of liberal, but my
kind of liberals wouldn't hang out on a radio show like that

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