NY Times, July 23, 2004
Who's Getting the New Jobs?

A startling new study shows that all of the growth in the employed
population in the United States over the past few years can be
attributed to recently arrived immigrants.

The study found that from the beginning of 2001 through the first four
months of 2004, the number of new immigrants who found work in the U.S.
was 2.06 million, while the number of native-born and longer-term
immigrant workers declined by more than 1.3 million.

The study, from the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern
University in Boston, is further confirmation that despite the recovery
from the recession of 2001, American families are still struggling with
serious issues of joblessness and underemployment.

The study does not mean that native-born workers and long-term
immigrants are not finding jobs. The American workplace is a vast,
dynamic, highly competitive arena, with endless ebbs and flows of
employment. But as the study tallied the gains and losses since the end
of 2000, it found that new immigrants acquired as many jobs as the other
two groups lost, and then some.

Andrew Sum, the director of the center and lead author of the study,
said he hoped his findings would spark a long-needed analysis of
employment and immigration policies in the U.S. But he warned against
using the statistics for immigrant-bashing.

"We need a serious, honest debate about where we are today with regard
to labor markets," said Professor Sum, whose work has frequently cited
the important contributions immigrants have made. The starkness of the
study's findings, he said, is an indication that right now "there is
something wrong."

The study found that the new immigrants entering the labor force were
mostly male and "quite young," with more than one-fourth under the age
of 25, and 70 percent under 35.

"Hispanics formed the dominant group of new immigrants," the study said,
"with migrants from Mexico and Central America playing key roles.
Slightly under 56 percent of the new immigrant workers were Hispanic,
nearly another one-fifth were Asian, 18 percent were white,
not-Hispanic, and 5 percent were black."

Those most affected by the influx of new immigrant workers are young,
less well-educated American workers and so-called established
immigrants, those who have been in the U.S. for a number of years.

full: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/23/opinion/23herb.html


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