Counterpunch, July 26, 2004

A Reply to Norman Solomon & Medea Benjamin
Believing in a Green Resistance

These are the times that try mena*TMs souls. The summer soldier and the
sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their
country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man
and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this
consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the
triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness
only that gives everything its value.

-Thomas Paine, The Crisis, 1776

The great immigrant revolutionary, abolitionist and supporter of women's
rights, Thomas Paine, made the point in 1776 that in order to win any
meaningful battle, it is necessary not only to fight when it is easy. It
is necessary to fight, and in fact, it is especially important to fight
when all "pragmatic" opinion counsels compromise, retreat and surrender.
Had Washington's army sued for peace in 1776 at Valley Forge then the
world's first representative democracy would never have been born.

Visionary abolitionist Frederick Douglass advised John Brown to abort
his ill-fated raid on Harpers Ferry, not because he opposed the
rebellion, but because he believed it could not succeed in its tactics.
However, when John Brown was executed by the slave power, Douglass
lauded him as the "man who started the war that ended slavery."

In 1937, Congress of Industrial Organization union leader John Lewis
dared the government to break the auto sit-down strikes and "shoot him
first." The auto bosses and Roosevelt backed down and we can thank the
Flint rebels for the remnants of unions we still have today.

Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man, touching off
a direct action movement that bucked those who advised to let the
apartheid courts work with "all deliberate speed." The racist backlash
was intense and led to the deaths, beatings and jailings of thousands of
young Black and white freedom fighters. But Jim Crow died as well.

Any serious consideration of American history shows that Thomas Paine
was right. Independence, abolition, unions, civil rights, suffrage,
abortion, Stonewall. All great rebellions and reforms came into being
because the minority who advocated "unreasonable" demands refused to
disorganize their forces under the pressure of majority opinion.
Instead, they held to their principles, gathered their forces, weathered
the storm and showed friend and foe alike that "truth and not lies are
the motor force of history."

Today, we are at an historical crossroads. Bush has set the world on
fire. He has invaded Iraq, Afghanistan and Haiti; cheered on the Israeli
war against the Palestinians; shredded our civil liberties with the
Patriot Act; and wants to codify his version of the Old Testament into a
constitutional ban on gay marriage. He wants to outlaw abortion and
doesn't believe in global warming. No doubt, he is a danger to the planet.

However, rather than opposing this madness, John Kerry has helped Bush
light the matches. He voted for the invasions and wants to send more
troops. He promises more, more, more of the same for Sharon's dirty war,
and adds that we should get tough with Venezuela. He voted for the
Patriot Act and vows to intensify the "war on terror" if elected. There
are, of course, some differences. Kerry does not want to write his
anti-gay marriage bigotry into the form of an amendment. He believes in
global warming, but thinks any radical action to reverse it will hurt
American corporate power. He says he will appoint anti-abortion federal
judges, but will follow Clinton's policy of slowly outlawing abortion to
the young and the poor.


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