Louis wrote:
Moreover, it is a mistake
to lump all the Kurds together. The Workers Party in Turkey never cut
deals with imperialism, while the Iranian Kurds were allied with the
USSR at one point, until Stalin's typically cynical double-dealing
forced them to look elsewhere. Of course, the Iraqi Kurdish leadership
is utterly bankrupt. That being said, the Kurds are an oppressed
nationality. Period.

I agree with you, Louis. However, I have personally met many Kurds, Russians, and Iranians who have very close ties with each other, and they seem unified on some level.  The Kurdish language is based on Persian and is part of the Indo-European language group.  The Indo-European language family group includes Russian, Kurdish, Farsi, Pashto, Hindi, Bengali, Sanskrit, Ancient Persian, Greek, Latin, French, English, Celtic languages.  I have also found that many members of these specific Indo-European language groups -- including Kurds -- find it very important to be aware of their Ancient parent (proto) Indo-European language/people origins  -- an ancient Indo-European people referred to as Aryans.   

Turkish (the Altaic family), and Arabic-Hebrew (both from the Afro-Asiatic family) are part of entirely different language groups.

That being said and I agree again with you, the Kurds are an oppressed nationality. Period.


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