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Progesterex: Date Rape Drug?

        First Published June, 2000
        Updated September, 2002

        In 1999,  an e-mail began circulating that proclaimed a new date
rape drug had been introduced.  This drug not only rendered the victim
helpless to defend themselves against a would-be rapist, but caused
permanent sterilization to the victim.

        That drug was called Progesterex. It is also, an absolute
fabrication.  There is no drug called Progesterex.  An Go Ask Alice
<> , Columbia University's
Internet Question and Answer Site looked in to this one and concluded there
was no such drug.

        There are indeed date rape drugs, such as Rohypnol, and one would be
wise to keep an eye out for those who might take advantage of a young,
college aged woman at the many parties that are thrown on campus.  However,
this is one drug you can scratch off the list.

        This is a copy of the hoax e-mail circulating:

        Ladies, be more alert and cautious when getting a drink offer from a
guy.   Good guys out there, please forward this message  to your lady
friends.  And boyfriends, take heed.  There  is a new drug that has been out
for less than a year.  Progesterex, that is a essentially a small
sterilization pill. The drug is now being used by rapists at parties to rape
AND sterilize their victims.  Progesterex is available to vets to sterilize
large animals.  Rumour has it  that the Progesterex is being used together
with Rohypnol, the date rape drug.  As with Rohypnol, all they have to do is
drop it into the woman's drink.  The woman can't remember a thing the next
morning, of all that had taken place the night before.

        Progesterex, which dissolves in drinks  just as easily, is such
that the victim doesn't
         conceive from the rape and  the rapist needn't worry about having a
paternity test identifying him  months later. The drug's effects AREN'T
        Progesterex was designed to sterilize horses.

        Any female  that takes it WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO CONCEIVE.  The
crooks can get this drug from anyone who is in the vet school of any
university.  It's that easy, and Progesterex is about to break  out big on
campuses everywhere.  Believe it or not, there is even a site on the
internet telling people how to use it.

         Please forward this to everyone you know, especially the gals.

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