On 11/10/2008 8:13 PM, Jim Devine wrote:
michael a. lebowitz  wrote:
... there seems to be some concern about a barbaric version
of your first process.both samir today and the minister of economy of
Ecuador yesterday warned about what the latter called the real possibility
of neo-Nazism -- precisely because the world oligarchy is not prepared to
give up its command of resources. An interesting and bright guy (in fact, a
former student of Harry Cleaver).

Samir Amin?
si. The world forum on alternatives conference [which he and francois houtart head up] begins tomorrow morning for the next 6 days.
we should remember that 1930s-style fascism (which seems more likely
than Nazism) had a mass base. It's not just a matter of what the world
oligarchy wants. They co-opt mass movements, but the movements add a
lot of the content.
I was just reporting the remarks. Note that if you think this is a real and present danger, then it may lead you to think about the days of charges of 'social fascism' and of the divisions between anti-fascists that allowed the victory of the nazis--- and to say we must not repeat this; in the Latin American context, it would place great emphasis upon alliances with Lula and the like.

Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6

Director, Programme in 'Transformative Practice and Human Development'
Centro Internacional Miranda, P.H.
Residencias Anauco Suites, Parque Central, final Av. Bolivar
Caracas, Venezuela
fax: 0212 5768274/0212 5777231

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