wheels will be dropping off within two years, not just four.

I think there will be a price for the support from the rest of the

I mean it's not just about the time frame, it's about somehow some
changes in the nature of politics that hopefully are more fundamental
than which president is in office.

Chris Burford

----- Original Message ----- From: "Carl Remick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 3:46 PM Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Sam Smith on bad times

I remember how bleak the world looked at the time of Nixon's second inaugural, when the prospect of "Four More Years!" seemed the curse of the ages. Then, presto, in no time at all the wheels started to come off the Nixon presidency with the advent of Watergate. Likewise, GWB's second term doesn't signal the start of any thousand-year reich. I have a sure sense that this second term will spell finis for the conservative ascendancy that started in the late '70s. However content Americans may be to live in a fantasy world, the rest of the planet simply will not continue to support our self-indulgence -- in areas ranging from Mideast policy to the US external debt -- as it has until now. GWB's mandate-driven second term will be exceptionally unpleasant for progressives in the U.S., but there's no question that the mass of Americans will be in the mood for something completely different in four years. There are great opportunities for the left ahead if the left prepares for them.


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