Re: [PEN-L] Stunning legal victory on the "real threat to the life of the nation"

If I am right in accepting the verdict of "Liberty" that this is one of the biggest progressive constitutional changes in UK legal history for a long time, to what extent is it a victory in the superstructure, independent of the economic base? To what extent is it congruent with the economic base?
The passage I quoted from Engels noted that there is a degree of autonomy in a sphere like the law and "the faithful reflection of economic conditions suffers increasingly".
Clearly the ruling is producing ideas consistent not only with a democratic image of British nationalism, but with a European citizenship. Bearing in mind that the victims that the law lords were moving to protect, came in some cases from outside Europe, the widening scope of the legal ruling about "human rights" is potentially world-wide. Any economic or social grouping, not just a nation, can be a "social organism" across the globe. It is not dependent on the historical development of the nation state.
Lord Hoffman, in fact has long been associated with Amnesty International.
So this could be seen as a victory of abstract utopian justice which is being applied increasingly on a world scale, devoid of class content. Eg it could be applied against Cuba.
On the other hand the forces of international finance capital arguably on balance favour, and even require, a fairly homogenous global state system and civil society, for the fastest circulation of commodities, and turnover of capital, for the more efficient exploitation of labour power, including educated labour power, which is especially important in utilising advanced technological innovations.
Yes there are clusters of capital such as that around the Neo-Cons, which prefer to trample carelessly over civil rights. Yes, there was a wing of capital that favoured the brutal crushing of the anti-capitalist protesters at Genoa. Nevertheless I would argue that finance capital itself, as seen in the spreading influence of the European Union even to Turkey, and to the Ukraine, on balance favours the more smoothly controlled bourgeois democratic rights agenda contained in this legal victory.
The implication about terrorism, is that the markets can stand a quick sharp overthrow of an internally repressive nationalistic regime, if it is done quickly and successfully. But they will gravitate towards a smoother control of and digestion of, repressive regimes if unsure. They would rather assimilate Iran.than invade..  It produces less uncertainty, and surer results over a 10-20 year timescale. And that is the timescale that finance capital is interested in.
It implies a complex agenda for countering terrorism. Thus terrorism does not imperil the "life of the nation". Repressive laws do.
So much for global finance capital.
As for working people - working class and self-employed workers on the land - a more radical agenda of  human rights is to their advantage, but there is a downside in that it ultimately tends to emphasise atomised individualised rights, despite Lord Hoffman's praise for the "social organism".
My take on the dialectics, behind this victory.
Chris Burford

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