On Nov 13, 2007 5:34 AM, Paul Zarembka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There was an article in the NYTimes on Sunday describing Ron Paul and
> mentioning that he wants to dump the Federal Reserve and return to the
> gold
> standard.  The basis of the justification seems to be along the lines I
> mentioned -- that Central Bank control the economy through the continual
> expansion of debt, made necessary by the Central Bank earning interest on
> money they create and control.

A lot of criticisms can be made against the central bank but it not a
particularly relevant whether it earns interest or not. Many libertarians
also make a big deal of the claim that the US Fed is a private bank to which
the Treasury is highly indebted. This is a mere technicality of no
importance whatsoever.

A much better criticism can be made about the close relationship between the
Fed and commercial and investment banks on Wall St. There is a growing
perception (accurate?) that the Fed acts largely in the interests of finance
capitalists even to the exclusion of industrial capitalists who would
probably prefer a tighter rein on debt expansions.

A more socialist criticism would be that the Fed cares nothing about the
poor not even on paper. Their official mandate is to maximize GDP *growth*
irrespective of income distribution and inequality, and they more or less
singlemindedly pursue that goal - with some biases towards the financial
sector as mentioned above.

One last criticism can be made that the Fed is very far from being a
representative government agency. Fed governors are not elected and they
are almost invariably wealthy white men and they are accountable to no one.


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