Hi all,

I need to replicate this wsdl using spyne

<xs:complexType name="MyType">
        <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string"/>

It's a complex type that extends a string adding an attribute.

I'm using spyne from the master branch

First attempt

class MyType(ComplexModel):
    __namespace__ = "uri:my-ns"
    __extends__ = primitive.Unicode
    version = XmlAttribute(primitive.Unicode)

that produces:

<xs:complexType name="MyType">
    <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string"/>

Second attempt (with a patched spyne)

class MyType(ComplexModel):
    __namespace__ = "uri:my-ns"
    __extends__ = primitive.Unicode
    version = XmlAttribute(primitive.Unicode)

that produces:

<xs:complexType name="MyType">
        <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="version " type="xs:string"/>

Thank you
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