I thought I'd have a quick run through Email::Simple::Creator to clean up some
of its foibles.  Here is another one that makes me wonder...

#### False Headers

Remember _add_to_header?

  sub _add_to_header {
      my ($class, $header, $key, $value) = @_;
      return unless $value;
      ${$header} .= join(": ", $key, $value) . $CRLF;

That return unless $value is nuts!  It means that you can't create a message
with "0" or "" as a header value.  This is clearly a bug.

The problem is that unless a Date header is specified, one is generated and
added.  Currently if one specifies a false Date header, nothing is added,
either the given (false) value or a generated value.

The code below creates a message with one header, Subject:

  my $email = Email::Simple->create(
    header => [ Date => undef, Subject => 'foo' ],
    body   => "Hello sailor.",

If the bug is fixed in the way that seem obvious to me -- use '' for empty and
undef headers and 0 for literal zero headers -- then people using constructs
like the above will now have Date fields again -- they'll just be blank.

I don't really like the idea of "undef is skipped but '' is not."

I am sort of leaning toward special-casing Date.  It sucks, but it's already a
special case to begin with.


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