I've been meaning to update the PEP Wiki with more useful information, mostly
in the form of signposts to would-be contributors or module evaluators.  (I'd
like to add more information and how-to articles, but I'm running a little
short on time, lately.)

I added problems and ideas sections to a number of pages, this morning.  You
can always see what pages have problems or ideas listed, here:


I think the three most important modules to fix, or at least establish an ideal
plan for, are:  Email::Simple, Email::Send, and Email::Folder.

Email::Simple, here, encompasses most of its many subclasses.  It needs to be
easier to write plugins, and they need to work in some way that is not just
"cram stuff into other packages."


I've written about Email::Send's problems, before, and I won't go on about
them, again, here.  I will seriously get Email::Sender committed, such as it
is, soon, for comment.

Email::Folder was my main point of thinking, this morning.  The name promises
to be a center of functionality for all things related to managing a collection
of messages.  Instead, you get a reader, and other functions rely on the
"folder represented as a string" idiom of Email::FolderType.

Does anybody else want to say anything about this before I start blathering?


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