Everyone following along with the svn checkins?  If so, this won't be news.

I've added a super-rough first draft at Email::Base.  All it does is require
Email::Exception and provide a ->throw method.  It works like this:

  $object->throw($exception_moniker => $arg);

The moniker is either '::Foo' to get Email::Exception::Foo or 'Bar::Baz' to get
just that.  I don't think I like this, but it's where I started.  The exact
opposite might be better.

$arg is either a string, which is used as the error param to the exception, or
a hashref, which is used as the entire set of params.  A "thrower" param is
always added, referring to the object on which throw was called.

Email::Exception has only one field in the base class: thrower.

Next email: Email::Sender.


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