* fakessh <fake...@fakessh.eu> [2010-05-04T08:20:14]
> [Tue May 04 14:15:11 2010] [error] [client] Can't use string
> ("fake...@fakessh.eu") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Email/Simple.pm line 100., referer:

This is a warning, not an error.

> [Tue May 04 14:15:11 2010] [error] [client] Premature end of
> script headers: webmail.pl, referer:

It looks like your program just isn't behaving correctly.

> >> > package PerlWebmail::Message;
> >> > use base qw(MIME::Lite);
> >> > use base qw(Email::Simple);
> > 
> > Extending both those classes at once seems doomed to fail a lot.
> I can well use Email:: Simple in a CGI

That is not the point.  You are trying to create a class that inherits from two
distinct and contradictory classes.  This will fail.

> >> > sub mail 
> >> > {
> >> >     my ($self, $message) = @_;
> >> >     my $obj = Email::Simple->new($message);
> >> >     print $obj->as_string;
> >> >     $Self->new;
> >> > }
> > 
> > You said $Self instead of $self.
> typographical error 
> the correcting operation in the class is ok

Don't retype fake code.  Show things that actually fail.

Your program, as shown, makes no sense and will never do anything useful.


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