Hi all,

In researching neural networks, I repeatedly found myself frustrated because existing 
networks have documentation that assumes quite a bit of knowledge about them.  In 
working with
them, I also found that the pure Perl networks were so slow while training as to be 
almost useless
to me.  To this end, I started doing a bit of research about these things and have 
come up with a
module, AI::NeuralNet::Simple.  The core network is written in C with the interface in 
Perl.  You
can download it from

The intent is to have a *simple* neural network that someone new to neural nets can 
just pick up,
read the docs, and play with.  Later they can move to a more robust solution, if 
desired.  If
people would provide me with feedback on the docs, I would appreciate it.

Some caveats:

1.  Somehow, I managed to not include the error measuring function.  Whoops!  This 
function allows
the user to measure the error rate to determine how training is going.  Not sure how I 
that, but I'm just dashing off a quick email while at work, so I'll write this later 
and issue a
new version.

2.  There is currently no way to load or save a network.  I'm not sure if this is an 
issue as this
is only designed to be something to play with.

3.  You can not have more than one network at a time because of my rotten C code -- I 
am *not* a C
programmer, but I'll probably fix this later if it's a problem.

4.  The docs do not make it clear that this module works best for "winner take all" 

I have two examples in the "examples" directory.  The "game_ai.pl" example is borrowed 
from the
book "AI Application Programming" (with the permission of the author).

I am not putting this module on the CPAN unless I feel it's ready for prime time.


Silence is Evil            http://users.easystreet.com/ovid/philosophy/indexdecency.htm
Ovid                       http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=17000
Web Programming with Perl  http://users.easystreet.com/ovid/cgi_course/

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