Ala Qumsieh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 % There are quite a few. Can you be more specific?

 I want to express a set of high level rules about
 systems. And about groups of systems.

 To do that, I need to be able to express things
 about the state of the system. And then taking 
 actions based on that state. 

 If Disk is 90% full, reduce disk space. 

 If the Web services response time is above our 90% level,
 allocate a new web server. 

 % Your best bet is to visit CPAN at and
 % look for whatever modules you need.

 I have been crawling thru CPAN. That is in fact what
 led me here. 

 I have found a package for predicate calculus and couple
 of logic tools.

 These come close, I am looking for more tools along these lines.


John Sechrest          .         Helping people use
                        .           computers and the Internet
                          .            more effectively
                                 .       Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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