--- Salvador Fandiņo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have uploaded to CPAN version 0.07 of Language::Prolog::Yaswi, 
>   an interface to SWI-Prolog.
> I have also released DBD::Yaswi, an experimental DBI interface to 
> SWI-Prolog. I am not completely sure if this module is a real 
> improvement over the raw Language::Prolog::Yaswi... well, 
> comments are welcome!!!

Hi Salvador,

It's great to see stuff happening with this again!

When I first tried to isntall DBD::Yaswi, I got:  

  ok 1 - use DBI;
  install_driver(Yaswi) failed: Can't locate DBD/Yaswi.pm
  in @INC (@INC contains: 
  Perhaps the DBD::Yaswi perl module hasn't been fully 
  installed, or perhaps the capitalisation of 'Yaswi' isn't
  Available drivers: DBM, ExampleP, File, Pg, Proxy, SQLite, Sponge.
  at t/1.t line 6

I just did a force install to see what would happen and I reran the

  ok 1 - use DBI;
  install_driver(Yaswi) failed: syntax error at 
  /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/DBD/Yaswi.pm line 134,
  near "Vs qw(Q M N V B)" 
  BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at 
  /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/DBD/Yaswi.pm line 194.
  Compilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 3.

At line 134, deleting the "Vs" from it makes the DBD load:

  my @vs = Vs qw(Q M N V B);

But a few lines later we get 'can''t call method "length" on unblessed

  $sth->STORE(NUM_OF_PARAMS => $marks->length);

That's when I stopped.

Also, from the docs, it's not clear how to build a database or issue
queries against it.  So let's say I want to find all X and Y that
satisfy append/3, would I do something like this?

  my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Yaswi:user');
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<'END_PROLOG');
    find [X,Y] where Z=[a,b,c,d], \
    append([],X,X). \
    append([W|X],Y,[W|Z]) :- append(X,Y,Z).

>From your docs and the tests, that doesn't seem right.

Can I load a pre-existing prolog program, call assert, retract, etc?

As for the new Language::Prolog::Yaswi, it installed and ran just fine.
 I even had a little sample program of my own that seemed to work. 

Now to see if it can run on OS X.


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