Hello Na'im,

I'm not an expert with the module, but I've installed it.  Which
version of SWI-Prolog do you have installed?  You can find out by
typing "swipl -v" on the command line.  Also, which version of Perl?

And from the README:

  Both or none Perl and SWI-Prolog have to be compiled with thread
  support. Other configurations are not supported and the build
  process will refuse to make the module with them.

  Under Perl only the ithread model is supported.


--- Na'im Tyson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Perl-ai:
> I am having trouble installing Language::Prolog::Yaswi on Mac OS 
> 10.3.9.  After installing all of the other components, I type 'make 
> test' and I receive an error message as shown below.  If anyone can 
> make heads or tails of this, I would love to see how.
> Regards,
> Na'im Tyson
> PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" 
> "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
> t/1Low.......dyld: /usr/bin/perl Undefined symbols:
> undefined reference to _boot_DynaLoader expected to be defined in a 
> dynamic image
> t/1Low.......dubious
>          Test returned status 0 (wstat 5, 0x5)
> DIED. FAILED test 1
>          Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay
> t/2Yaswi.....dyld: /usr/bin/perl Undefined symbols:
> undefined reference to _boot_DynaLoader expected to be defined in a 
> dynamic image
> t/2Yaswi.....dubious
>          Test returned status 0 (wstat 5, 0x5)
> DIED. FAILED test 1
>          Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay
> t/3simple....dyld: /usr/bin/perl Undefined symbols:
> undefined reference to _boot_DynaLoader expected to be defined in a 
> dynamic image
> t/3simple....dubious
>          Test returned status 0 (wstat 5, 0x5)
> DIED. FAILED tests 1-8
>          Failed 8/8 tests, 0.00% okay
> Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
> t/1Low.t       0     5     1    2 200.00%  1
> t/2Yaswi.t     0     5     1    2 200.00%  1
> t/3simple.t    0     5     8   16 200.00%  1-8
> Failed 3/3 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 10/10 subtests failed, 0.00%
> okay.
> make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2

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