Hola Ken:

Many thanks, your advice, did the trick.. nad yes it was when reloading
state from file..

2007/6/7, Ken Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi Ignacio,

Is this when loading a pre-trained categorizer from a saved file?
This is a known problem, but I haven't settled on a good solution.

A simple workaround is to just put:

  use Algorithm::NaiveBayes::Model::Frequency;

in the script that's currently failing.


On May 30, 2007, at 1:47 PM, Ignacio J. Ortega Lopera wrote:

> i'm getting this:
> Can't locate object method "predict" via package
> "Algorithm::NaiveBayes::Model::
> Frequency" at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/AI/Categorizer/Learner/NaiveBayes.p
> m line 28.
> when trying to get hypoteses.. for a new doc....
> anyone know if this is a silly one?

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