--- Comment #3 from Jitka Plesnikova <> ---
The issue is caused due to triggerin scriptlet in perl-XML-LibXML which is
executed after updating of perl-XML-SAX.

$ rpm -q --triggerscripts perl-XML-LibXML
triggerin scriptlet (using /bin/sh) -- perl-XML-SAX
for p in XML::LibXML::SAX::Parser XML::LibXML::SAX ; do
  perl -MXML::SAX -e "XML::SAX->add_parser(q($p))->save_parsers()" \
    2>/dev/null || :

The scriptlet is run from old perl-XML-LibXML, but newer Perl and perl-XML-SAX
were on the system. Old perl-XML-LibXML code segfaults with new major release
of Perl.

The trigger was added for BZ#121168

The version of Perl in Fedoras:
F21: 5.18
F22: 5.20
Rawhide: 5.22

I don't know how to fix it properly right now.

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