On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 22:56 +0000, Zefram wrote:
> >A useful way to view this is that occurrence of the source
> >event is not actually the arrival of the signal but triggers a
> >counting of the signal. Source events generate target events on
> >a schedule that depends on the operation of the event loop.
> "triggers a" should be "is triggered by the".

Maybe I'm being stupid again, but I don't follow you.  Maybe the whole
sentence should be rewritten.  Here's what I think you're trying to say:

It is important to understand the Event processing stages in detail.

1. Source event (a signal)
2. Event's counting of the signal
3. Target event, once something calls queue_pending
4. Target events are stored in a priority queue, possibly changing the
5. Event callbacks are invoked by one_event()

>   The final sentence, out
> of its original context, now says much less than it used to.  You also
> removed my sentence that said that reification could be forced; it's
> relevant and I think important.  I suggest that you now replace the
> final sentence of the above with
>       Reification can be forced when necessary.
>       The schedule on which some other events are created is
>       non-obvious.  This is especially the case with watchers that
>       watch for a condition rather than an event.  In some cases,
>       target events are generated on a schedule that depends on the
>       operation of the event loop.

I removed it because I found/find your phrasing unacceptably vague --
better to having nothing than a bunch of hedges.  If you really want to
explain how it works then better be specific.  Perhaps the best solution
is to take the 2-3 example scripts you've come up with and refer to them
in the documentation.

Can you put some specific example scripts together so I can include

> Under queue_pending(), you removed the discussion of when it is and
> is not called automatically.  Understanding that is essential to using
> it correctly.

OK, how about this?

=item queue_pending()

Examines asynchronous source events (timers & signals) and reifies
them as target events. C<queue_pending()> is called implicitly by
C<sweep()> and C<one_event()>.

NOTE: Signal watchers generate target events according to which
watchers are active at the time that C<queue_pending()> is called
rather than according to the time the signal is received.

> >Think hard before you use C<queue_pending()>.  Use of this API may
> >indicate that your program is poorly designed.
> You seem to think that it is bad to use queue_pending().  It does in
> fact solve some problems that otherwise occur with the Event interface,
> namely the race conditions that I have pointed out.  Needing to use it
> does not indicate a bad program; merely one that's doing some complicated
> things with signals.

Hrumph.  OK.

> Under ->pending():
> >last operation of the event loop.  Even so, calling C<queue_pendig()>
> >does not prevent a race condition -- it just makes it less likely.
> queue_pending() (which you mistyped) most certainly *does* prevent some
> race conditions in this context.  One might be looking for a signal that
> one can be sure would have been received by now if it were to be sent at
> all, but which one cannot be sure would have been received before the
> last operation of the event loop.  One might have the signal blocked,
> with the change of signal mask being a watershed around which one wants
> to classify signals into "before" and "after".  These things are quite
> common in non-trivial signal handling.
> Is your perception that queue_pending() doesn't fix race conditions the
> reason for your comment about poor design?  If a race condition is not
> fixable, that truly is a mark of bad design.

As I mentioned above, I believe the key thing which is needed here are
example scripts.

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