(CC'd back to the mailing list.)

On 2017-05-04 20:22, Dick Franks wrote:

On 5 May 2017 at 01:08, M. Ray Mullins <m.ray.mull...@gmail.com <mailto:m.ray.mull...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hello Dick,

    This appears to be a duplicate of an email you sent yesterday. Did
    you receive my answer sent to the mailing list later that day?


I was not subscribed to the list. No reply came, so I assumed that posting was restricted to subscribers, signed up and reposted

Makes sense. I was a bit surprised to see the same thing twice. :)

    If not, here is what I sent:


    Hi Dick,

    As the UNIX® System Services component of z/OS is certified UNIX- and
    POSIX-compliant, whatever method you use currently to interrogate the
    UNIX and brethren OSes should work.

But does not because /etc/resolv.conf not the only place this could be found.

    Having said that, of course, we are talking z/OS and EBCDIC, so, of
    course, I'm sure it won't work out of the box and would require a tweak
    or three.

EBCDIC issues fixed in Net::DNS 1.10
Yay! EBCDIC, the forgotten code set. :D

Tested, working, just no default nameserver config.

It is possible to read traditional data sets from the UNIX servers, however to be fair, I personally have not tried it.

In z/OS C, if you prefix a file specification with //, the C run-time knows that this data set resides in the traditional file system. If you don't prefix with single quotes, it prepends a high-level qualifier consisting of the userid. For example, in my environment (one of my userids is RMULLIN), "//MISC.ASM" would cause the C run-time to access data set RMULLIN.MISC.ASM. Likewise, to access TCPIP.DATA, you'd specify "//'TCPIP.DATA'".

I've never tried open(FHAND, "<//'data.set.name'") or die "Not found: $!". I don't have perl installed on our system (I should talk to TPTB).

Also, be aware that although those are the default and most common data set names used for the TCP/IP server, they can be changed.

Having said all that…I believe the information you are looking for is available through calls to system routines. This might require dropping into C, though.

I've been a bit busy, but I'll look at the relevant z/OS C run-time library and TCP/IP manuals later this week.

Best regards,
Ray Mullins

    Is there a specific issue you've encountered so far?


    Best regards,
    Ray Mullins

    On 2017-05-04 16:24, Dick Franks wrote:

    Is it possible to access the content of TCPIP.DATA and
    GLOBALTCPIPDATA from a Perl script?

    Where do these files live? Are they readable and parseable?

    Alternatively, is there some easy way of interrogating the OS to
    find the value associated with an individual parameter name?

    I am specifically interested in finding the local DNS nameserver
    addresses, searchlist, etc. to provide the default values for
    Net::DNS so that it works the same way on all supported platforms.

    Any help you can provide would be much appreciated, an example,
    even better.

    P.S. I know next to nothing about MVS, so have a strong
    preference for succinct and straightforward answers.

    Dick Franks

-- M. Ray Mullins
    Roseville, CA, USA

    German is essentially a form of assembly language consisting entirely of 
far calls heavily accented with throaty guttural sounds. ---ilvi
    French is essentially German with messed-up pronunciation and spelling.  
--Robert B Wilson
    English is essentially French converted to 7-bit ASCII.  ---Christophe 
Pierret [for Alain LaBonté]

M. Ray Mullins
Roseville, CA, USA

German is essentially a form of assembly language consisting entirely of far 
calls heavily accented with throaty guttural sounds. ---ilvi
French is essentially German with messed-up pronunciation and spelling.  
--Robert B Wilson
English is essentially French converted to 7-bit ASCII.  ---Christophe Pierret 
[for Alain LaBonté]

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