On Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 10:39:26PM -0700, Zach Lipton wrote:
> I'll see what I can do with Net::Ping. I don't really know what CPAN::Nox
> does, but I'll take a look at that as well. At the very least, I'll do a
> compile test for it and have a framework for more tests.

CPAN::Nox is just CPAN with no XS.  Oddly enough, it removes LWP.
Theoretically, it should do everything the CPAN shell does.

Given that the existing CPAN tests... generate a localized low
pressure system, I'm tempted to include CPAN.pm as being effectively

So, how do you test CPAN.pm?  Well, simplest thing to do is set up a
mini local CPAN.  Same directory structure as CPAN.  Populate it with
a few dummy authors, a few dummy modules, a dummy index and configure
CPAN.pm to work with it using a file URL.  Then you test the
programmatic API like anything else.  At least then we'll know most of
it works.

This, of course, assumes CPAN.pm can operate on file URLs without LWP.
Which... *looking* it can.

If you want to see this sort of thing in action, have a look at:

Look at t/Smoke.t and t/Module.t to get the idea.

PS  it's not finished


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl6 Quality Assurance     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       Kwalitee Is Job One
I blame myself.  AND SATAN.

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