Kevin Scaldeferri wrote:
It seems to me like the time Devel::Cover takes to do its book-keeping when a process terminates is linear in the total number of files in the cover_db, rather than linear in the number of files involved in that particular process.


This seems unfortunate for at least two reasons:

1) it ends up taking a really long time to run the tests. At some point, maybe long enough that nightly tests become prohibitive (even more so for continuous integration).


I figured that someone more knowledgeable than I would respond to your post, but since no one has, let me pose this question:

In what sort of context are you running Devel::Cover nightly? On what modules or over what code?

I know from both personal and Phalanx use that it's not fast, but I wouldn't expect it to be, nor do I really need it to be. So I'm wondering how you use it?



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