James E Keenan wrote:

Michael G Schwern wrote:

Oh yeah, forgot about that. Its not in your path so you have to give it the full path to the program.

The directories in blib have no relation to where the file came from.
Non-binary executables always go into blib/script.  Binary executables
go into blib/bin.

One other curiosum: As a result of my Phalanx work, I've gotten in the habit of using File::Temp to create 'anonymous' directories and files in which to conduct testing. I tried that here:

    my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1);
    ok(chdir $tdir, 'changed to temp directory for testing');

but, once again, 'blib/' couldn't be located. So I had to resort to manually constructing, populating and cleaning up a 'tmp/' directory at the same level as 'blib/' or 't/'.

What finally seems to be working is this:

my $cwd = cwd();
my $tdir;
    $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1);
    ok(chdir $tdir, 'changed to temp directory for testing');

system("$^X -I$cwd/blib/lib $cwd/blib/script/modulemaker -Icn XYZ::ABC"),
        "able to call modulemaker utility");


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