
you are in a maze of Test modules, all looking alike. You are likely being 
beaten by a dependecy.

This is a mini-rant on how complex the tesing world for Perl modules has 
become. It starts harmless, like you want to install some module. This 
time it was CPAN-Depency.      

Since for security reasons your Perl box is not connected to the net, you 
fetch it and all dependencies from CPAN and transfer them via sneaker net 
and USB stick. It includes some gems like:

        'Test::Deep' => 0,
        'Test::Warn' => 0,

Huh? Never heard of them, but if it needs them, well, we get 'em. 
Presumable they are only needed for testing the module, but who knows?

However, as you soon find out, Test::Deep needs these two:

                Test::Tester => '0.04',
                Test::NoWarnings => '0.02',

Put on your high-speed sneakers, grumble shortly and fetch them.

Test::Tester is moderate, it only needs Test::Builder, which we somehow 
already got. And Test::NoWarnings needs only Test::Tester (are you 
confused yet?), so we are clear. Except for one test failure in 

        t/none........You should load Test::Tester before Test::Builder (or
        anything that loads Test::Builder)

I call that warning ironic. Anyway, now on to Test::Warn (not to be 
confused with test::NoWarnings). It needs:

        Warning: prerequisite Array::Compare 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite Sub::Uplevel 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite Test::Builder::Tester 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite Test::Exception 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite Tree::DAG_Node 0 not found.

Ugh! Test::Builder::Tester? Is there also a Test::Tester::Builder? And 
when does the madness end? At this point I got testy (no pun intended) 
and seriously considered screwing CPAN-Dependecy...

One saw me continuing, however, until I found out that Array::Compare 
needs Module::Build, and I don't have this, either - and most of it's 
dependecies are missing here, also. Aaaaaarg!

I am all for putting often used stuff into extra modules, but I think this 
has gone way to far, especially the user will go through all this just so 
that Random-Module-0.01 can run it's freaky test suite....


Best wishes,

Tels, who was last seen FYAMFC (Fetching Yet Another Module From CPAN)

- -- 
 Signed on Sat Sep 10 17:23:26 2005 with key 0x93B84C15.
 Visit my photo gallery at http://bloodgate.com/photos/
 PGP key on http://bloodgate.com/tels.asc or per email.

 "Duke Nukem Forever will come out before Unreal 2." - George Broussard,
 2001 (http://tinyurl.com/6m8nh)

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