Hi all,

For all of my harping about testing, I've never actually written a test
module (though I've submitted patches).  I just uploaded my first
module, Test::JSON.  (JSON is "JavaScript Object Notation",

As it's not hit the CPAN yet, I've attached a copy.  Feedback welcome. 
Internally it uses the following:

  'JSON'              => 1.00,
  'Test::Differences' => 0.47,
  'Test::Simple'      => 0.62,
  'Test::Tester'      => 0.103,


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Web Programming with Perl -- http://users.easystreet.com/ovid/cgi_course/

Attachment: Test-JSON-0.01.tar.gz
Description: 130210938-Test-JSON-0.01.tar.gz

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