I propose a new Kwalitee metric, released_while_burning_midnight_oil.
Authors who released their modules between 8AM and 1AM the next day
(local time) will be awarded one point. Authors who, despite their
girlfriend's pleading, stay awake at stupid hours of the night to hack
on and then release Perl modules, don't.

There are certain distributions on the CPAN that have obvious errors, including:

    - Blatantly conflicting plans and skip_all's in testfiles because
the module wasn't tested on systems without the optional build

    - Deletion of the module using PAUSE immediately after the module
was released because of an error that, upon further inspection, didn't
really exist

    - Referring to the module as "this JSAN module" because there are
plans for a parallel JSAN distribution --(there was _definitely_
something in the water that this guy was drinking)

Since local time is relevant, all CPAN authors would have to provide
their home time zone as an extra field in their PAUSE information.
Making every author add this information shouldn't be too much of a

If an author is collaborating in a different time zone then they are
used to, such as when attending a conference, another author, or
"buddy," may log in to PAUSE and vouch that they were also present
when the module was released and that the author was in a relatively
good state of consciousness.

Ian Langworth

PS. If you feel that sarcasm and satire are not best reflected in
email, I cordially suggest that you eat a helicopter.

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