Barbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm one of the maintainers/developers for CPAN::YACSmoke. I was
> intrigued by your post about adding a Packager plugin to it. However,
> I'm unclear as to what purpose it would serve. CPAN::YACSmoke is purely
> about reporting on test results. CPANPLUS does the actual work. 


                From what I gather, CPANPLUS is a linear package building
system, whereas YACsmoke is a wrapper around that that tries to build as
many packages as is humanly (er, computerly) possible on a system, with the
side effect of sending it's results through Test::Reporter. YACsmoke also
can maintain a database of what it has built and what it hasn't, allowing a
YACsmoke system to eventually exhaustively build every single package on
CPAN without building the same one twice. Is this correct?

> What would the plugins for .deb, .rpm and .ppm do? Currently we just
> pass the path to CPANPLUS and let CPANPLUS unwrap, make and test the
> distribution. We then just interrogate the results.

        These plugins would execute *after* YACsmoke/CPANPLUS has done it's
work, but before it's cleaned up after itself, and generate the actual
.deb/.rpm/.ppm files.

> Perhaps this is something you meant for CPANPLUS to handle, in which
> case I'm sure that's something Jos would be interested in, as he has
> previously looked at some kind of binary support.

        Well, maybe the actual low-level package generation could be kicked
down a level, but the whole reason I thought of using YACsmoke for this was
because of it's "grab everything and try to build it" nature.

> I plan to find time soon to complete the tests required for the next
> release of CPAN::YACSmoke, so if what you want does relate to
> CPAN::YACSmoke I can start taking a look and see what needs to be done
> to implement it.

        Sounds good :)


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