Tamas Dober <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a beginner, please forgive me b/c of the simple questions.
> I'd like to test that that a batch file (starting a Java app) gives me the 
> expected output or not.

        I really like IPC::Run, but it is a bit of a heavy package to make
users install just for your test cases. If your module is already using it
for something else, go for it! Otherwise i'd suggest just opening a pipe if
you don't need bidirectional communication;

        open(my $fh, '-|', "@ls");
        my $out = join('', <$fh>);


> use warnings;   
> use IPC::Run 'run';
> my $out;
> my @ls = ( '\/perl\/Feb\/packager\/bin\/package.bat' ) ;
> run [EMAIL PROTECTED], \undef, \$out or die "bat returned $?" ; 
> like($out, qr/Usage/, 'Usage message'  );
> is( $out =~ /config/, 'this is like that');

> --
> The outcome:
> C:\perl\Feb\packager\bin>prove -v Run2.t
> Run2....1..2
> Usage: 
>         -config                    [Configuration XML URL]
>         -request                   [Request XML URL]
>         --help
> not ok 1 - Usage message
> #   Failed test 'Usage message'
> #   in Run2.t at line 8.
> #                   '
> #
> #
> # '
> #     doesn't match '(?-xism:Usage)'
> not ok 2
> #   Failed test in Run2.t at line 9.
> #          got: ''
> #     expected: 'this is like that'
> # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.
> It seems I couldn't redirect the output.
> Maybe IPC::Run is not a good choice?
> If I try it under LINUX (using package.sh instead of package.bat) I'm having 
> the same issue.
> Could you please help me what direction I should go, what module should I use?
> Thank you
> Tamas
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