Smylers wrote:
David Cantrell writes:

rsnapshot (for example) has its own code for traversing a directory
tree, its own cut-down Memoize, and probably a few others that I've
not found yet.

That said, I don't want to see those things go into the core, because I'm in the "the core is too big already" camp.

Um, surely File::Find and Memoize are already in the core?

perl -MModule::CoreList -le 'print Module::CoreList->first_release($_) for @ARGV' File::Find Memoize

(um, that can no doubt be golfed, but you get the picture).

Executive summary: File::Find has always been there, Memoize, since 5.8.

"It's overkill of course, but you can never have too much overkill."

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