
On Thursday 06 April 2006 14:59, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> * David Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-04-06 13:45]:
> >> This underlying behavior is one of my biggest pet peeves with
> >> the perl community. Too many people want to go out and write
> >> their own version of modules instead of contributing to the
> >> work others began.
> >
> > I suspect that many of these are API driven.  Programming
> > should be fun and using an API that doesn't "fit" isn't fun.
> > As a result people go write their own stuff that they feel is
> > easier/faster to use.  This is the flip side of impatience and
> > hubris.  E.g. CPAN search found 510 "Simple", 82 "Easy" and 80
> > "Fast" modules -- not to mention the 49 "Getopt" modules.  I
> > don't think that sort of thing is going to change.
> I also don't believe it is particularly specific to Perl. It
> seems to me that it is just particularly visible in Perl, because
> the high manipulexity and whipuptitude we so enjoy make it quite
> feasible to reinvent moderately complex wheels, so people do it.
> But it actually happens everywhere.

In addition, thanx to the highly central CPAN repository, it is also a 
very visible problem. Of the hundred re-inventions for Heap in C, C++ or 
C# you never hear anything because you never know they even exist.

Best wishes,


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