Paul Johnson wrote:
On Tuesday the first [insert desired time period here] Devel::Cover hackathon
was held at the hacker kitchen (aka clkao's flat), sponsored by Best


So all in all, a very productive and enjoyable day.  Lots and lots of thanks
to everyone.

Productive indeed. I used the CPAN grep tool to compare v0.55 with v0.57; quite impressive for a day's work.

The ex-typographer in me has to carp, however, at some of the changes in the HTML output. The rules bordering boxes need more attention, as the mixture of light and heavy rules is not very pleasing and, IMHO, a step backward from 0.55. I've posted two screenshots from different browsers to illustrate this:

But, of course, that doesn't affect the code one iota. Thanks for your hard work.

Jim Keenan

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