On 9/13/06, brian d foy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In article
Ferreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 9/13/06, Thomas Klausner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Maybe it would be reasonable to also check for a POD-Heading named
> > LICENSE, but that's definitly more error-prone.
> Tell one place where people should look to have a bunch of information
> about a Perl dist? META.yml, Makefile.PL, Build.PL, README, the
> sources, etc. do not look like a good answer. A simple one would be
> desirable.

Thinking about this further and talking to a few people about it, the
only place that makes any sense is the source code file itself. After
installation, the rest of the distribution will disappear. The license
has to stay with the source.

On one hand, every (important) file you distribute should contain the
license in a human readable format.

On the other hand if you need to make sure all the 300 modules you
are using (directly or indirectly) in your application has a certain type of
license you need something that can automate checking that.
META.yml and its license filed was designed exactly so that machines
can parse them easily.

MakeMaker will support adding the license field sooner or later. (and
in my dark hours I hope that this metric will encourage some people to
give a hand to this

The reason the metric is currently only checks the license field is because that
was easy.  I am sure if someone is interested in a more roboust metric
s/he will implement it.


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