On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 04:43:52AM -0800, Ovid wrote:
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Harness/lib/Test/Harness/TAP.pod implies
> that if I want to skip all tests, I need something like this format:
>   1..0 # SKIP why not?
> I've also noticed that all of the Test::Harness tests which exercise this
> behavior use '1..0', even though this is only implied, not required.  It
> seems to me that specifying how many tests you have should be fine:
>   1..13 # SKIP 'cuz thirteen is scary, dude
> Is there a reason for the '1..0' syntax or is that merely a convention?

My guess is that the number of test run may depend on things determined
after the point you decided to skip all the tests.

Steve Peters

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